Saturday, November 15, 2008


Last night I successfully brined, quartered, prepared, roasted, and served a chicken. Not to toot my own horn (beep beep), but it was amazingly delicious.
The way I see it now, even if all else fails, I will someday be a great housewife. This is not necessarily my goal, and I would undoubtedly go insane if said profession were to last for more than a year or two without some other substantial distraction, but at least I'll be good at something.

I wonder how the choices I make on a daily basis are going to change my life in the long term. On the one hand, it seems that this stage in life is extremely volatile and anything we do can change our path. On the other hand, here seems an endless realm of possibilities and all I need is the resources to be able to change my mind in an instant and rediscover my path. I feel terrified and thrilled at what lies before me today. The only way I keep my head from exploding is reminding myself that the Lord has a plan for each of us, no matter the twisted road we take.

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