Monday, October 6, 2008

facing the change

I admit it, I'm a terrible blogger. It's been months since the last update, but I am hoping that I will, with Michael's push, update more frequently even if the posts be shorter and less thoughtful.

Hanging out with Lily this evening, I realized that I am, in fact, no longer an undergraduate student. I am not stressed about my coursework, I have a substantial amount more independence in my research, and the campus extracurricular life is non-existent. Instead, I drove an hour and half each way today to get to my company's main office to spend the day making maps. It was enjoyable, but a transition that I did not anticipate would happen so quickly. In this journey of adjustment, my body, heart, and soul have a bumpy ride. but, I think realization is the first step to a healthier life, so here it goes!

In other words, I got paid today. Sweet. Now I have to learn to budget instead of just not eating. Also, my brother is coming home from college this weekend for the first time. I am thrilled to see him! And my sister comes home next weekend. They will be good for my soul.

For now, this is all. But consider this a promise to update again before the month is up.